Completed baby vest? check.
Started Uni? check.
Found all my classes & wasn't a dick? check.
Paying job? ... We'll get there!
So, yes, the vest is done!!! The neckband is more than a little retarded, but you know. I'll get better with practise :) And, whence I have them, I shall post photos of my adorable first cousin once removed Flynn modelling it. I didn't do a great job with the elephant embroidery though, its not very neat and is just generally a tad dodgy. But, its recognisable, and its a very cute pattern, so I'm not really complaining...
In other news in Mara's life, uni is so far going well. I'm rather annoyed at the fact that the online units don't have all the assessments up yet, meaning I can't start them. This is usually not something that would annoy people, but I find it a problem because I now have nothing to do on busses, while between projects. However, a friend of my sister's (who recieved my first ever knitted item, a scarf when I was about 16) has requested a pair of grey mittens to match the scarf that he can wear while teaching. I've got a pretty easy pattern to work from, so it should be fine. I chose not to try knitting in the round just yet, that can be for later... much later...
I also went on a yarn overload at spotlight recently, so now have a box full of 100% acrylic stuff to do god knows what with :) Should be fun!
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