Sunday, 14 October 2012

Le body

This is a Twilight Sparkle butt. I've started with the easiest part of it, pattern as follows;
Ch 4 and connect to form a loop. 10 hdc in centre of loop.
Ch 2, 2 hdc in each st to end of rnd (20 sts)
Ch 2, 2 hdc in every 2nd st to end of rnd
Ch 2, 2 hdc in every 4th st to end of rnd
Ch 2, 1 hdc in every st to end of rnd. Repeat 12 times. (36 sts)

More will come later, but this is all I have so far. Apologies for any errata, and please have a go if you want to try it!

Monday, 1 October 2012

Step 1


This is my pile of 100% acrylic marvel yarn. Hot pink (1011), mauve (1047) and purple (1025). I'm going to be working this double stranded, because my past experience is that softies need a very small gauge. I also think I'll have to do the eyes in felt. Knitting them would just be too hard...

My Little Pony

So, after a bit of an absence again (involving an awful lot of uni and work), I'm working on making a my little pony plushie.

Specifically, Twilight Sparkle.

As I have no pattern, I will be making her up as I go along. It could end badly, but lets hope not!

I'm also making a squirrel girl costume for a friend's 21st.

Sparkle will be done as a sort of knit along, mostly because I need a record of what I'm doing here :s